Migration flows in Mexico and their sensitivity to climate change
Kerstin Schmidt-Verkerk
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Publicado y/o Presentado en:
IV Congreso de la Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo. Crisis Global y Estrategias Migratorias: hacia la redefinición de las políticas de movilidad. 18, 19 y 20 de Mayo del 2001. Flacso-Quito, Ecuador.
Unlike existing studies into the nexus between climate change and migration, this paper
analyses factors involved in migration decisions on the macro-, meso-, and micro-level,
and tests them for their sensitivity to the local and global effects of climate change. The
perceived livelihood stressors, which are potential drivers of migration but also of other
livelihood strategies, are summarised in the categories small-scale and subsistence
agriculture and foraging more difficult, "lack and decrease of employment opportunities",
-decreasing purchasing power, and increased desires and aspirations. Furthermore,
migration decisions are affected by the access to networks and recruiters, the availability of
financial resources, the willingness and the perceived ability to migrate, and the perceived
benefit of migration. The availability of alternative livelihood strategies and the
employment situation at the destination also play a role in migration decisions. A matrix
for each of the four observed migration flows illegal international, legal international,
internal rural, and internal urban analysed the importance for migration decisions of each
above mentioned factor as well as the climate sensitivity of these factors. It shows that
climate change is likely to have a medium effect on migration in general, which is smallest
for illegal international and highest for internal rural migration flows.