Introduction (Shifting Positionalities: The Local and International Geo-Politics of Surveillance and Policing)
María Amelia Viteri y Aaron Tobler
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Publicado y/o Presentado en:
Viteri, M. y Tobler, A. (2009). "Introduction". En Shifting Positionalities: the Local and International Geo- Politics of Surveillance and Policing (1-11). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
One might read state discourses regarding surveillance and policing
practices through the myriad of ways such practices are unveiled, be they
municipal automobile speed cameras passively taking pictures of speeders,
or through the former-Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge asking the
public to take an active role in monitoring others by reporting suspicious activity to the police. These practices are further complicated with the increased use of technology (i.e., bio-metric scans, proposed nationalidentification
cards) as a means to police individuals and to disseminate
and craft a particular knowledge about those individuals.
However, state agencies do not initiate all surveillance and policing
practices. Individuals experience forms of surveillance by "private"
individuals and organizations, as a way to intimidate or censor others or
select activities. The authors experienced such surveillance on October 27, 2006, from the Executive Director of Accuracy in Academia (AIA),
Malcolm Kline. This surveillance was in response to a workshop discussion we participated in October 2006 at American University´s Department of Anthropology "Public Anthropology" workshop. Kline´s online report on this workshop, and the topics we discussed in our presentations, illustrates his (and what would evidently be his audiences´)
concern with the extensive scope of anthropology as a discipline within
the academy.