Challenges of the Divide between Immigration and Emigration Policy:
Compulsions of Sovereignty or Crisis of Governance.
Perveen Kumar
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Publicado y/o Presentado en:
IV Congreso de la Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo. Crisis Global y Estrategias Migratorias: hacia la redefinición de las políticas de movilidad. 18, 19 y 20 de Mayo del 2001. Flacso-Quito, Ecuador.
Over the last few decades, international migration has attracted increasing attention in the
academia, in policy making, and in the civil society across countries. Individuals, civil society
organizations, national governments, and regional and international organizations have been
raising concerns about the selectivity, inconsistencies and stability of migration policies
demanding better treatment to migrant workers and protection of their rights in the destination
countries. Whereas the receiving countries generally focus more on human capital aspects of
the immigrants and allow the entry to those whose knowledge and skills are in short supply in
their labour markets the source countries of migrants show greater concern regarding the
protection of their people in the destination countries.